{[length_ + " papers retrieved, " + "the research questions totaled " + firstLevel.length + " categories"]}
{["A total " + first_level_count + " papers were found on the topic of " + "'" + first_level_name + "'" + ", of which the total number of research methods were " + secondLevel.length + " categories"]}
{["The application of " + "'" + second_level_name + "'" + " research method under the topic of " + "'" + first_level_name + "'" + " resulted in a total of " + thirdLevel.length + " observations or conclusions as follows."]}
{[index + 1 + " PMID:" + item.paperid + " (Click to show full abstract)"]}
Research Question Phrases:
{['(' + index_ + ')' + ': ']}
Key Question Phrase:

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{["PMID:" + item.paperid + " (Click to show full abstract)"]}
Ressearch Method Phrases:
{['(' + index_ + ')' + ': ']}
Key Method Phrase:

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{["PMID:" + item.paperid + " (Click to show full abstract)"]}
Ressearch Progress Phrases:
{['(' + index_ + ')' + ': ']}
Key Progress Phrases:

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{["PMID:" + item.paperid + " (Click to show full abstract)"]}
Key Question Sentence:
{['(' + index_ + ')' + ': ']}

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{["PMID:" + item.paperid + " (Click to show full abstract)"]}
Key Method Sentence:
{['(' + index_ + ')' + ': ']}

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{["PMID:" + item.paperid + " (Click to show full abstract)"]}
Key Conclusion Sentence:
{['(' + index_ + ')' + ': ']}

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{["PMID:" + item.paperid + " (Click to show full abstract)"]}
Question Phrase         Method Phrase         Progress Phrase
Question Phrase:
Question Sentence:
Method Phrase:
Method Setence:
Progress Phrase:
Progress Sentence:
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